Weight Loss - Extreme Body Weight Exercises to Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight and do not really have a lot of time to spend running 2 hours a day than this body weight exercise routine is what you have been looking for. This routine is not easy and will test your fitness level so before you try to do even one of these exercises I want you to check with your medical doctor and obtain his approval for you to try this routine.

Once your doctor tells you that you can perform this exercise routine give it a go and you can thank me for the slimmer body later.

\"weight Loss\"

This routine is to be performed 3 times a week on non-consecutive days like Monday Wednesday and Friday. When you first start this program you may only be able to perform this routine twice a week. It's OK do not get upset take your time and work your way up to 3 days a week.

Weight Loss - Extreme Body Weight Exercises to Lose Weight

So here we go:

Burpees 20 Repetitions
V - Ups 20 Repetitions
Burpees 20 Repetitions
Kettle-bell Swings with 2 hands 20 Repetitions
Burpees 20 Repetitions
Bear Crawls for 50 Yards
Burpees 20 Repetition's

If you can after a little break repeat the entire sequence again.

Every muscle of your body should be screaming in pain at this point.

Make sure you drink at least 64 ounces of water every day especially on the days you do this routine. It will help flush the lactic acid build up in your achy muscles and will also help your body heal more quickly.

Also make sure that you are eating a clean diet of lean protein, vegetables and fruit. Stay away from flour products as they tend to clog up the systems of your body.

8 to 9 hours of sleep is a must if you want to lose weight and gain lean muscle.

So there you have it a straight and to the point program to give you the lean and strong body you have always wanted.

Weight Loss - Extreme Body Weight Exercises to Lose Weight

If you live in or near Philadelphia and need help losing weight visit my website at http://www.WakeUpSkinny.com

Chiropractor Philadelphia PA

Sensa Sprinkle Diet - Does it Work?

Do you want to eat all you can and lose weight at the same time? In today's news, there's a new diet called "Sensa Sprinkle Diet". It is developed by Dr. Alan Hirsch of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. In a recent research by Dr Hirsch, 1500 people were put on this diet without changing their lifestyle. After 6 months, each of them has lost 35.5 pounds in average. The question is: does Sensa Sprinkle Diet really works?

Firstly, you have to understand the concept behind this diet. In this diet, you will need Sensa shaker which consists of salt-like sprinkles. There are two flavors available: sweet and salty. All you have to do is sprinkles the Sensa on foods that you eat. These sprinkles send signals to your brain that you have eaten more than you have. In other words, the sprinkles work as natural appetite suppressant like Hoodia. As a result, you will be eating a lot less and result in weight loss.


The major advantage for Sensa Sprinkle diet is convenience. You do not have to worry about the amount of calories and carbohydrates that you consume. In theory, you do not need to change your lifestyle. However, it is recommended that you use Sensa Sprinkle in conjunction with healthy meals and exercise regime.

Sensa Sprinkle Diet - Does it Work?

Before you rush to get buy the Sensa product, consider the cost: it is 0 for six months supply. It is rather pricey for weight loss products. While the concept of Sensa Sprinkle Diet sound intriguing, you can't help but wonder if you will gain all the weight back if you stop using Sensa sprinkles. In addition, Dr. Hirsch said that the long term effects and safety of Sensa diet haven't been study yet.

Sensa Sprinkle Diet - Does it Work?

Discover how I lost 10 pounds in 1 week, click here [http://www.weightloss-ez.com/weight-loss-success-stories/how-i-lost-10-pounds-in-one-week-and-how-you-can-do-the-same/] CY Lai is guest writer for Sensa Sprinkle Diet

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

There are various causes of hair loss and there is a question about the connection if there is one, between weight loss and hair loss. Understanding weight loss especially extreme weight loss or crash dieting is important when attempting to answer this question.

Weight Reduction

\"weight Loss\"

Most people have at some point in their lives wanted to or needed to lose weight. A healthy diet and exercise are the best ways to achieve weight loss though it may take longer than you want it to. In order to effectively lose weight, your body must burn more calories (units of energy) than it consumes.

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

Extreme weight loss through illness, eating disorders, or crash dieting is not a good way to go. Illness cannot be helped and when recovered the weight you lost may come back. With eating disorders or crash diets extreme amounts of weight is dropped in a short period of time.

This extreme weight loss is usually achieved through severely limiting food intake often at the expense of your health. In such cases there may be a loss of essential vitamins and minerals needed for good health including weight. These deficiencies are likely to be B vitamins especially B6, Biotin, and Niacin, as well as minerals including magnesium and sulfur. These can all be found in foods especially in fruits and in vegetables. Low iron in the blood may also be linked to hair loss. Iron rich foods include red meats, beans, dried fruits, and many cereals. A multi-vitamin with iron may be needed to replenish what the body has lost.

A physical exam and knowledge of the ideal weight for your height will let you and your doctor know whether you are too thin to be healthy. Once illnesses go away or eating disorders are stabilized hair quality may return or at least improve.

Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by heredity, illness, stress, or trauma. Medications may also play a part in hair loss. Typically once recovered hair may return to normal or improve. When medications such as chemo treatments are stopped you will experience new growth over time. The quality and color may change as it comes back.

Treatments can include something as simple as hairstyle changes, eating healthier, and exercising. Topical treatments are applied directly to the scalp. Finasteride and minoxidil are the two FDA approved treatments that achieve results. Oral medications including anti-inflammatories and anti-depressants might also be used to relieve conditions that are causing hair loss including scalp irritations and reduce the effects of stress.

The Link

Extreme weight loss such as that which results from eating disorders and crash dieting will likely rob the body of the vitamins and minerals necessary for over-all good health and specifically healthy hair. Once these things are replaced your hair's condition will likely improve.


Weight problems especially extreme weight loss may rob the body of what it needs to maintain healthy hair. While there are other causes for hair loss weight loss is a potentially dangerous cause. Without proper nutrients your body will not function as it should. Once restored to normal levels your over-all health and the condition of your hair will likely improve. If you have lost extreme amounts of weight a physical will help to rule out other causes. There are treatments available for weight loss and hair loss. Your doctor can be your best asset in getting back into good health.

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

Jean Helmet is a researcher of hair loss issues effecting both men and women. To learn about a new natural hair loss remedy [http://www.hair-loss-source.com] that Jean recently discovered and how it contrasts with some other common hair treatment options - Be sure to visit the highly informational short video at: [http://www.hair-loss-source.com]

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days - With This Diet Plan

The best way to lose 10 pounds in 10 days isn't starving yourself, but by eating more foods. Eating more foods and shifting them each and every day, Calorie shifting is a form of dieing that has been used for a very long time. Many bodybuilders have used this method to get into the best shape possible and let me tell you it works. So if you're still skeptical about losing 10 pounds in 10 days, don't be because there is a solution. The solution is Shifting Calories!

You might be thinking if bodybuilders used this form of dieting to get into the best shape possible than it must be hard. In plain English the answer is NO. The diet is user friendly and the only thing you need to do is change the foods you eat day to day. Calorie shifting doesn't interfere with your lifestyle and you can do it virtually at any time in your life. The purpose of this diet is to speed up your metabolism which is in charge of burning fat. The better your metabolism is working the more weight you can be sure to lose.


Here's what you need to do;

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days - With This Diet Plan

  • You need to eat 4 times a day or more
  • You need to eat differently ever single day
  • You need to mix up the calorie content of the meals each day (this confuses your body which increase your metabolism)
  • Avoid; Junk food, Fast food, and processed foods. You will be able to eat these foods again on your cheat days.

Well there you have it that's really all there is to the diet. As I mentioned earlier calorie shifting confuses the body and helps speed up your metabolism which is in charge of weight loss. The more confused your body the better. This is why you have to change your meals each and everyday so your body doesn't have a chance to adapt. Eating less food actually slows your metabolism, which is why 4 meals are recommended. They aren't actual full size meals more so portioned meals. When you eat more frequently the body is forced to use energy to make fuel out of the meals. This is another way you begin to lose fat.

This diet is for everyone. It doesn't matter what age you are or what day it is. All you need to do is start calorie shifting and you will begin to lose weight even as much as 10 pounds in 10 days. Some people have reported better results in the 10 days while the average is about 5-7 pounds using the calorie shifting diet.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days - With This Diet Plan

Click Here to discover how many people have lost an average of 5-10 pounds of fat in 11 days by using the "Calorie Shifting" method!

Note; You may wish to publish this article for your website, blog, etc. As long as the article remains in its full entirety; including the links and the about the author resource box.

What Causes Toxins in Your Body?

Did you have any idea that every year the "average" American eats about 150 lbs of sweetener and 565 cans of soft drinks ("liquid candy")? That comes out to around 52 teaspoons of added junk sugars for each one of those commonplace people, every single day and that's according to the USDA! Can't you just see a person sitting in the kitchen, every morning and gobbling down 52 teaspoons of white junk sugar? Well, without our even realizing it, this is what is happening to us. No wonder we're such a fat country, right?

In the last several decades, the American junk food consumption has increased drastically. In 2001 alone, the everyday American, as compared to 1981, consumed in one year 45, count 'em, large bags of corn chips. That's up 78% in 20 years. They've also racked up 120 orders of French fries, which is an increase of 130%. And guess what is up 80%? Candy bars, yes sir, and we now suck down 190 candy bars a year. Our morning pastries and baked desserts are up 95% to about 120 a year and our love of pizza shows. We're up to about 1200 slices of pizza every year. Wow! We're putting away the junk food, huh?

\"My Weight Loss\"

"Essentially, my body just fell apart."

What Causes Toxins in Your Body?

With this type of dietary degeneration over a 20 year period, what kinds of long-term effects might we expect? If you get a chance, watch the movie "Super Size Me" and be shocked! This movie actually documents precisely what physical and psychological changes take place when one consumes too much junk food. The filmmaker, a gentleman by the name of Morgan Spurlock, became a human guinea pig by eating three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald's, America's favorite restaurant. The film centers around the impact this had on his health and life. This is what the New York Post had to say about the film: "Scores of cheeseburgers, hundreds of fries and dozens of chocolate shakes later, the formerly strapping 6-foot-2 New Yorker - who started out at a healthy 185 pounds - had packed on 25 pounds. But his super-sized shape was the least of his problems. Within a few days of beginning his drive-through diet, Spurlock, 33, was vomiting out the window of his car, and doctors who examined him were shocked at how rapidly Spurlock's entire body deteriorated." In essence, his body became a heap of toxins.

Spurlock told the Post that, 'It was really crazy - my body basically fell apart over the course of 30 days," His cholesterol went from 165 to 230, his liver began to malfunction, his libido became diminished and he suffered headaches and became depressed." Toxins "stimulate neurons to death" The chemicals and additives contained in junk foods are dangerous and sometimes these junk foods are laced with excitotoxins such as MSG and aspartame. What are Excitotoxins? They are "substances added to foods and beverages that literally stimulate neurons to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees." Those are body toxins of the highest degree. That's ugly! The best-selling book, "The Crazy Makers," by nutritionist Carol Simontacchi, puts a nice spin on it when she says, "Food industries wantonly destroy our bodies and our brains, all in the name of profit." Thank you junk food manufacturers!

What is happening here is that America's health is being forsaken for the greediness of profits. The consumer is the victim. With the kinds of statistics that are available, it is no wonder that nearly half of the U.S. population has at least one chronic condition, and 60 million have more than one. That's a sad statistic! The root of all these problems are toxins that have built up in the body.

All of the junk food that we consume in our daily lives will first have a devastating effect on the colon first and then it will go on to affect the other organs. Have you ever heard the adage, "death begins in the colon?" Well, this situation is what the adage is referring to. The junk foods are metabolized into toxins and the toxins cause the body to deteriorate into a state of deterioration which, in turn, causes disease.

What Causes Toxins in Your Body?

The author is a long-time Registered Nurse and nutritional researcher with various articles and professional publications to his name. He is the owner of Repair My Weight Loss, a site with valuable information about weight loss, dieting and colon cleansing. The URL for Repair My Weight Loss is http://www.repairmyweightloss.com

3 Day Cardiac Diet Review

The 3 Day Cardiac Diet supposedly comes from the Birmingham Hospital in Alabama, hence it is also known as the Birmingham Hospital Diet. According to reports, this diet plan was designed for the use of patients who needed to lose up to 10 lbs weight quickly so they could undergo surgery.

The true origins of this diet are not clear and the Birmingham Hospital does not claim responsibility for it. Moreover, the diet now appears to have become the stuff of internet legend as there are versions of it widely known under a variety of names, including the Tuna Fish Diet, Baptist Hospital 3 day Diet, 3 day Navy Diet, 3 day Army Diet, Birmingham Cardiac Diet, Florida 3 Day Diet, American Heart Association Diet, Alabama 3 Day Diet, Hospital 3 Day Diet, and more.


However, there is a strong correspondence between the menu plans of these different versions so, for all intents and purposes, they can be treated as the same diet and comments applicable to one are substantially applicable to them all.

3 Day Cardiac Diet Review

In summary, the 3 Day Cardiac Diet comprises menu plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner covering a period of three days. The daily calorie intake is about 1,000 calories, so much of the weight loss benefit is likely obtained by the restricted calorie intake, although some claim is made that the benefit is due to chemical reaction. Eating a low level of carbohydrates will also mean that water is lost from the body.

For the plan to produce results, it's important to keep hydration levels up by drinking plenty of water: 6-8 cups is recommended. This also aids digestion.

An important source of protein for the 3 day Cardiac diet is tuna. 1/2 cup of tuna is consumed on the first two days, increasing to 1 cup on the third day. Variety and nutrition is provided with small portions of vegetables, grapefruit, banana, cheese, eggs, crackers and toast. Coffee or tea is permitted with meals. (For a detailed menu, do a quick search for my article, "3 Day Tuna Fish Diet- Menu and Diet Plan".)

Some concerns about this diet stem from the restricted levels of calories and nutrition. As the calories provided in this diet are so low, it's is likely that followers will feel hunger pangs and lower energy levels, especially by the third day. Vitamins and minerals are also low so that probably a multi vitamin supplement should be recommended as an additional source.

With only three small meals a day, your body may start to recognize that only a limited food supply is available and begin to compensate by reducing metabolism and energy levels to conserve fat reserves. This actually makes it harder to lose weight and, along with the feelings of hunger, places the body under additional stress.

The 3 Day Cardiac diet does not claim to be suitable for long term use and after 3 days you should follow a program that offers more variety in the content to provide the proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients that your body needs. More variety would also make it easier to follow this plan, as well as more enjoyable.

It is possible to follow a quick weight reduction plan that offers a more balanced and healthier range of foods. In particular, one which includes a technique known as calorie shifting and takes into account your own food preferences would be a good choice.

Following the 3 Day Cardiac Diet provides restricted calories and nutrients for its intended duration and the weight loss benefits come with some risk to health as well as bodily stress. Also, the diet is not a long term solution and any weight loss reduction could well be offset by food binging that results when your eating program returns to normal. A better approach would be to follow a dieting plan that is more likely to bring true fat loss and provide a continuing, long term loss of weight, along with a slimmer, trimmer, more attractive body shape.

3 Day Cardiac Diet Review

Get details of a remarkably successful, natural and quick weight loss strategy that builds body tone and good health whilst burning unwanted fat at Fat Loss 4 Idiots. More information on this carefully designed and widely regarded program can also be found at: http://www.HerbalAndNaturalRemedies.com/FatLoss/

Get Rid of Saddlebags Fast and Easy

Saddlebags are often hereditary, I got them from my mother and grandmother. They are both skinny but always had that extra pocket of fat around their thighs making them "pear-shaped". This has been a problem for me since my late 20's even with regular exercise. I was often ashamed and looked at myself in the mirror angry about the buns god gave me, so I more or less made it my mission to get rid of them!

Exercises cannot eliminate saddle bags on their own, unfortunately you also must follow a diet low in fat and carbs. Cardio exercises at the gym are great for burning fat, rather elliptical movements such as stairmaster are better than treadmills because of the circular motion that targets the thigh areas. Yoga, Pilate and dancing are also great, but here are some targeted exercises that you can do daily in the comfort of your home:

\"My Weight Loss\"

The squat: Starting with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and lower into a squat while keeping knees straight in line with your toes and back completely straight. Get down to a nearly seated position and push back up until you are at the starting position. Keep arms out forward and stare up towards the ceiling to help keep yourself in line. Repeat 10-15 times.

Get Rid of Saddlebags Fast and Easy

Lunges: Stand with one leg 3 feet in front of the other. Bend the knees and lower your back knee toward the floor, keeping the front heel down and the knee directly over the center of your foot. Keep your abs in and push yourself back to the starting position without locking your knees. Repeat 10-15 times, then alternate.

Butt Lift: On your hands and knees, extend the right leg straight out behind you with toes resting on the floor. Lift leg to hip level while squeezing your butt. Hold position and slowly lift your left arm to shoulder height using ab muscles to keep you upright. Hold for 5 seconds while squeezing. Repeat 5 times each leg.

These exercises can be hard to do if you're out of shape but keep in mind that they will only get easier. Picture yourself in your new slim thighs and know that when you feel that painful burn..that's fat burning!

I do these exercises on a regular basis now and my thighs look better than 10 years ago. I have to give some credit to Acai Berry which has helped my diet. This is a great natural supplement that can be consumed easily in a shake or a smoothie. Acai increases metabolism and boost your energy so working out becomes much easier. It's the perfect supplement for someone who doesn't want to follow complicated meal plans and the extra energy will keep you from feeling fatigue!

To read more about this Amazing Diet and other helpful tips Click Here To read my blog!

Get Rid of Saddlebags Fast and Easy

Diet and exercise are my passions in life and I strive to educate others on how to live a healthy lifestyle! / Kim

My weight-loss Blog:

Medifast Diet Program - Does it Work?

The purpose of this article is to answer the question "is the Medifast diet a good diet for most people?". This will be achieved by sharing common experiences, opinions, and feelings about it. If you are considering this diet as a weight loss solution over the Christmas and New Year period, this article will help you make your decision.

The Medifast weight loss program places your body in a metabolic state called ketosis. This is when your body is deceived into turning on itself and burning its own fat reserves. That's the reason you eat so often on this diet. It keeps your metabolism regularly burning fat over a longer period of time than can be achieved on many of the fad diets.


The Medifast diet is an incredible way to lose weight and to keep the weight off for the long-term. Not only can it help you to drop the pounds, it also can help you if you are experiencing physical health problems such as diabetes. Diabetics regularly need to lose weight in order to preserve their health. However, since it is also essential to eat certain types of food because of the way your body creates insulin, it can be difficult to settle on the best way to lose weight.

Medifast Diet Program - Does it Work?

This diet has a wide variety of comprehensive meal plans and an extremely helpful support structure. You are likely to find that losing weight with Medifast is much easier than any other diet you may have tried previously. If you're ready to finally get the weight off, be sure to read as much information in advance. Make sure to consult your physician before taking the plunge into better health for you and your family's future happiness.

The Medifast company points out that on it's popular 5 plus 1 plan it is common to lose two to five pounds per week. On the upper end, you may lose up to 20 pounds in 1 month. If you're on the very lower end, you may lose approx 8 pounds. Either way, these figures show that's you can achieve your goals with this diet. Most people would be very happy with these results. If you lost "only" eight pounds per month steadily, that would be 96 pounds in a years time, or 48 pounds in six months. For overweight and morbidly obese people, this is enormously life changing.

Are you still asking yourself the question "is the Medifast diet regime a good diet or not?". The answer is a definite yes. Medifast is the finest diet and weight loss system this author has seen in action, in terms of ease of use, convenience, and effectiveness. It has become a way of life now for so many people struggling daily with grind of being overweight or obese.

Medifast Diet Program - Does it Work?

Coupons-Select has all the latest medifast coupons. If you are considering this diet, you'll find every medifast coupon to get the best possible deal. We hope you have enjoyed this article.

Quinoa Diet - How Does it Make You Lose Weight?

The quinoa diet is getting more and more popular not only for vegetarians but for people who wanted to lose weight as well. I'm currently trying to shed off pounds and I was doing my research and I came across with quinoa and I'm really amazed with what I found. It is a staple among Incans and they eat it to regain stamina and strength. Vegetarians love it too because quinoa is packed with high-quality protein that you do not get from soy and beans. It's one of the few foods that can provide "complete" protein.

The quinoa diet is great because unlike any other fad diets we have around, it will not starve you to death and you can be assured that you are getting the right amount of nutrients for every serving. If you want to lose weight, you do not have to necessarily eat the so-called "diet foods" because once you go back to eating regular food, you'll start gaining again. What you need is consistency.


With the quinoa diet, you can prepare it with pretty much anything you want. You can either make it as the main course or a side dish. When you cook quinoa, it is given that you prepare it with other healthy foods. I'm sure you can't afford to cook quinoa with deep fried chicken or dump cups of mozzarella cheese on it. You always mix it with lean meat, vegetables or fruits.

Quinoa Diet - How Does it Make You Lose Weight?

What I love about quinoa is the way it fills me up. I don't get hungry as often unlike when I was still eating white rice. The seeds take a long time for your system to digest and because of its slow-releasing carbohydrate content, you stay full for a longer period of time.

Did I say carbohydrates? Yes I did! No you don't have to be scared of carbohydrates because what quinoa contains is good carbs. You have more energy but at the same time, your cravings for sugary foods will be less. It reduces the hunger pangs that you always have to struggle with on a very low-calorie diet. I'll say it again, this is the type of diet that will not starve you to death and it will give you energy every single day.

Quinoa Diet - How Does it Make You Lose Weight?

For more information about quinoa diet, feel free to visit http://www.quinoakitchen.com/

How to Make the Lemon Detox Diet Drink - The Correct Recipe and Ingredients

Getting this very simple recipe right is crucial to your ultimate result.

Ingredients for the Lemon Detox Drink


  • 2 Tablespoons Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 2 Tablespoons Maple Syrup Grade B
  • 1/10th Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
  • 8 fl Oz's Pure Water

How to Make the Lemon Detox Diet Drink - The Correct Recipe and Ingredients

Mix all of the ingredients together in a glass and enjoy! Initially you may find the cayenne pepper a little hot, especially if you are not used to spicy food but this is something that you also become accustomed to very quickly.

I was quite surprised at how hot it was when I first tried it but I was soon adding extra cayenne for an even stronger detox towards the end.

You'll need to drink a minimum of 6 detox drinks throughout the day. Somewhere between 8 - 12 is ideal. Make sure that you are also drinking plenty of fresh pure water throughout the day too.

Whenever you start to feel a bit hungry, go and mix yourself a drink. This tends to keep hunger pains at bay pretty quickly. Once you get past day 3, you'll probably find that you will experience very few actual hunger pains although about 1 in 4 people do say that they have regular hunger pains throughout. But don't worry, I've got a good feeling that you'll be one of the lucky other 3!

The drink is best made fresh each time that you want to drink it but this sometimes isn't possible, especially if you are heading off to work. To try and maintain the cleaning power of the lemon enzymes, make a concentrate of the maple syrup and the lemon juice and just add water when you want to drink it.


So if you were planning on drinking 3 drinks whilst you were out, you would need to make up a concentrate of 6 tablespoons of lemon juice and 6 tablespoons of maple syrup.

To make life easier on yourself, take 3 separate bottles of water each containing 8 fl Oz's of pure water but with the capacity for 10 fl Oz's as you will be adding your concentrate to it.

You'll need to pack a tablespoon for measuring and your cayenne to add at the end. (you can add 3/10ths of a teaspoon of cayenne to the concentrate but cayenne tends to get hotter when it hits liquid and is left for a period of time).

Once you're ready for a drink, just get your concentrate out and give it a good shake, then measure 4 tablespoons into the bottle, add your cayenne, shake and drink!


If hunger creeps in just distract yourself. I decided to detox my house whilst I detoxed my body. There is nothing quite like cleaning to keep you focused and distracted. My house had never looked so good by the time I had finished my detox and of course it helps when you get so much more energy than you normally have.

If you don't have a house to clean try some light exercise as this will make you feel great and keep your mind off food. Don't forget to keep drinking the detox drink and replenishing your water supplies.

How to Make the Lemon Detox Diet Drink - The Correct Recipe and Ingredients

Nikki writes a blog focused on the Lemon Detox Diet and also has a completely Free Guide to the Lemon Detox available on her site.

Visit her site today for detox tips, advice and support and don't forget to grab your free detox guide before you leave.

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Cobalamin or as it is better known, is one of the vital nutrients our bodies need in order to work properly. It is necessary to perform many of the body's more important tasks, including the making of DNA during cell division and the healthy formation of red blood cells.

B12 is known as the "energy vitamin" because it gives a real energy boost. It is used to remedy fatigue and it speeds up the metabolism. Red blood cells are also responsible for producing hemoglobin, the part of the blood that takes oxygen from the lungs and transports it to all the different parts of the body.

\"weight Loss\"

It has many functions and uses but does it help people lose weight?

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

What is the link between Vitamin B12 and weight loss?

Vitamin B12 Injections and Weight Loss

Some people might go to a clinic to get shots. These shots are administered directly into the muscle, allowing for better absorption. People who get these shots mainly suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or a deficiency. They might also claim that taking these shots help them to lose weight.

However, injections by themselves do not directly induce weight loss, nor are they intended to. So why do people who get them lose weight?

There are many factors to take into consideration.

B12 causes the metabolism to speed up, which in turn increases weight loss. People who go to get injections tend to be more conscious of their health and are already on a vegetarian, or other weight loss diet.

Shots give a tremendous boost of energy. This generally helps people to maintain their diets, and motivates them to exercise and increase physical activity. Vitamin B12 also helps to fight stress and depression, symptoms which are sometimes associated with weight gain.

While the shots can be a great benefit to some, particularly those with a B12 deficiency, there can be some negative side effects when taken excessively or along with certain other substances. There is also a risk for those who have certain pre-existing conditions. It's important to consult a physician before undergoing injections.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Deficiencies can become a serious health threat. The body can normally stock up many years supply of vitamin B12, so it more often materializes when the body is unable to properly absorb vitamin B12 because of illness or old age. Incidentally, deficiencies can cause weight loss, among other symptoms. Extreme cases can even result in permanent nerve damage if left untreated.

A person diagnosed with a B12 deficiency will need to take supplements. These are most often taken as capsules or via intramuscular injections. Although vitamin B12 does not directly cause weight loss, it is still an essential nutrient that is needed by the body. It is important to get a sufficient amount of it and doing so will ensure better health, all around.

Vitamin B12 and Dieting

When undergoing any new weight loss program it is important to make sure that the diet is well balanced and contains all of the essential nutrients. This of course includes vitamin B12 and other essential nutrients.

Food sources rich in B12

Meat, Poultry, Milk and other dairy products, Eggs, and Fish

Since the only reliable source of vitamin B12 are from animals those practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet will have to get theirs from supplements. If a person doesn't get enough they may develop a deficiency.

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

I tried everything to lose weight including vitamin b12 [http://www.b12sublingual.com/] and never had much luck until I discovered this simple weight loss system and I was able to lose over 42 pounds you can learn more by visiting Healthy Weight Loss Project

Tori Spelling Weight Loss - How Tori Lost 40 Pounds in 2 Months

Tori Spelling's weight loss has actually brought her into the spotlight as she has shed more pounds than normal. She now sports a bony profile and reveals stress as the main factor behind this. Her health got affected because of the stressful relationship with her estranged mother and also because of the liquid diet.

It has been witnessed that many people are resorting to liquid diets in order to shed extra pounds at a very steady pace. The main motive now is to gain svelte profile. Thus, unhealthy measures are also tested these days so that one can gain the envy of others just like Tori Spelling. Her weight loss has got her back into spotlight. In fact she lost around 40 pounds within 2 months by sticking to the liquid diets.

\"weight Loss\"

How Tori lost 40 pounds in 2 months?

Tori Spelling Weight Loss - How Tori Lost 40 Pounds in 2 Months

Tori actually consumed liquid diets for up to 10 days in order to lose extra pounds at a very steady pace. Such liquid diets can be consumed for up to 40 days as per your patience and perseverance. While one is following this program he or she is not allowed to take any type of food. Since they are very low calorie diet it is always advisable that one should try to take vegetables and fruits along with it.

Side Effects of Liquid Diet

* You might suffer from fatigue and dizziness
* Hair loss can be the direct side effect of this program
* Such a program might lead to heart damage and electrolyte imbalance
* You might also suffer from muscle pain and cold intolerance

It is however very well understood that liquid diets might lead to weight loss but what after that? The moment you return to your normal eating habits you once again start gaining weight. Thus, it is always advisable that one should opt for the natural methods. For instance, the acai berry diet can be consumed without any second thought. Check it out:

Acai Berry Diet: This diet even got publicity in the most touted Oprah Winfrey Talk Show. This diet is very rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibers which can easily enhance the metabolism rate of your body. This factor would further help you to shed extra pounds at an accelerated pace.

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Try the Dynamic Duo for Weight Loss & Total Body Detox !

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Get additional information or to request one of the FREE Acai or FREE Colon Cleanse samples.

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Low Carb Diet Side Effects

Many people curious about starting a low carb diet wonder if there are side effects they need to be aware of before getting started. Many also wonder if there are harmful low carb diet side effects too, so let's look at the most common side effects of low carb dieting, and talk about whether any of these are harmful.

Some of these low carb diet side effects can be problematic for people with health conditions, particularly if they're taking medications for those conditions. Often the side effects are good, but you need to be aware they can happen and talk to your medical care provider because they'll need to monitor your progress and possibly change, reduce, or eliminate medications as you progress.


For instance, a very common low carb diet side effect is lowered, or more even blood sugar levels. This is an important low carb diet side effect for any diabetic, particularly ones that take insulin shots or medication. Since low carb diets can drastically reduce your blood sugar levels naturally, your doctor may need to adjust your medication levels to compensate for those changes.

Low Carb Diet Side Effects

Another low carb diet side effect is of course losing a lot of weight. This by itself is not technically a side effect, but related effects of losing weight can include regulation of blood pressure, easing or disappearance of digestive tract problems, and resolution of breathing problems too.

If you're taking high blood pressure medication, then the side effect of having that lowered from eating a low carb diet will need to be addressed by your doctor or medical care specialist. The same applies for digestive troubles, if you experience resolution to those problems as a low carb dieting side effect, your doctor will need to adjust or eliminate the medications you take.

Now if you don't take medications for conditions such as those listed above, you may still experience low carb diet side effects, but they're likely to be ones you're happy to have.

Common, "good" low carb diet side effects include reduced cravings for sugars and starches; increased energy; reduced bloated and gassy, upset stomach feelings; improved bowel movements; regulated blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels; loss of excess water retention; and of course, loss of excess body fat.

There are some low carb diet side effects that are not harmful, but you need to be aware of them because they are uncomfortable at best. These low carb diet side effects are more common during the first one to five days on the diet, and are side effects of your body adjusting to your eating changes. These side effects can include headaches; nausea; dizziness; lethargy or low energy; severe sugar cravings; irritability; and constipation.

There are also a couple of women specific low carb diet side effects. In the first week or two of your new low carb diet, you may experience oddities with your monthly menstrual flow. Usually this side effect lasts a short time though, and is caused by your body adjusting to the new eating lifestyle you've chosen. A great low carb diet side effect comes later: Women's menstrual flow is usually reduced, and there is generally much less pain or other problems involved while you're on a low carb diet.

Many of those early low carb diet side effects can be reduced by drinking extra water and getting plenty of rest, plus making sure you don't go hungry. In rare cases these initial low carb diet side effects can last as long as ten days, but usually they're present from approximately the third to the fifth day of your low carb diet.

Low Carb Diet Side Effects

For more information on Low Carb Diet Side Effects visit http://www.lowcarb.healthanddiettips.com

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

If you find that commercial weight loss shakes are costly and you are not sure about their ingredients, then try making homemade weight loss shakes instead. Homemade weight loss shakes are one of the most popular weight loss supplements because anyone can make them as long as you have the right ingredients, a blender, and some ice. In fact, they may even be helpful for some people compared to other weight loss products being sold in the market.

Simple but healthy

\"weight Loss\"

Homemade weight loss shakes are simple and easy to make because they do not require any cooking. When you use fruits or vegetables as your main ingredients for homemade weight loss shakes, you can get a healthy serving of all the vitamins and minerals all in one beverage. Furthermore, it can also serve as a replacement for other meals.

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

Common ingredients

Sometimes, you may need other ingredients to add to your homemade weight loss shakes. It will depend on the type of nutrients your body needs and the kind of energy boost that you want. Here are some common ingredients that you can add to your shake:

o Fruits - these are helpful in getting rid of toxins from the body while providing antioxidants.

o Yogurt or low-fat milk - for your dose of vitamin D and calcium.

o Protein powder - for easier and faster digestion of your food while keeping you full for longer periods of time.

Other ingredients

Additional supplements and vitamins can also be added into your homemade weight loss shakes. Examples are bee pollen, black cohosh, ginko biloba, and dandelion. These ingredients promote healthy liver functions, cleansing of the intestines, more energy for exercise, prevention of fatigue, and prevention of allergies.

The benefits: vitamins and minerals

Freshly made homemade weight loss shakes are good sources of vitamins and minerals that pair up with co-enzymes and enzymes. These vitamins make the enzymes work and without them, our bodily functions will stop.


This is because enzymes work as catalysts in several chemical reactions happening inside our bodies. These chemical reactions are important to carry out digestion and the absorption and conversion of food to body tissue. Furthermore, enzymes are able to produce energy that are important for metabolic activities in our bodies.

The benefits: better vitamin and mineral absorption

When you drink homemade weight loss shakes, your body tends to absorb more vitamins and minerals coming from the fruits or vegetables you added in them, compared to eating them as a whole. This is because a lot of nutrients are trapped within the fiber present in the whole fruit or vegetable. However, by placing them in the blender, you break down the fiber to release the important nutrients.

You need vitamins and minerals

Even when you are on a diet, you still need the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your body can take so your organs can still function properly. Furthermore, without the proper dose of those essential nutrients, you can become malnourished. Malnutrition can cause a lot of deficiency disorders and diseases, so make sure that your body is still getting its recommended daily dose of nutrients coming from healthy fruits and vegetables that you can eat whole or blended into homemade shakes. Here are more benefits of the vitamins and minerals you can find in fruits and vegetables:

1. Stronger nails and hair

2. Smoother skin

3. Essential compounds needed for health, physical well-being, metabolism, and health.

4. Maintain bone strength and bone density.

5. Regulation of blood clotting.

6. Aiding the functions of muscles and nerves.

7. Regulation of your heart beat.

8. Reducing risks on heart attacks and strokes.

Tips and tricks for making shakes

To start making your homemade weight loss shake, make sure that your vegetables and fruits are juiced raw. Depending on the fruit, small fruits with seeds can be placed into the blender with the seeds, like pears and watermelons. However, if you are using apples, grapefruit, oranges, nectarines, peaches, or papaya, make sure to remove the seeds or large pits.

Peeled and ripe

Make sure to pick ripe and fresh fruits and vegetables. If they are bruised, wilted, over-ripe, under-ripe, or even rubbery, the shake will end up tasting bad. If the fruit or vegetable is not grown organically, peel off the skins since all the chemical residues can be found on the surface. If you are using pineapples, grapefruit, papaya, kiwis, and oranges, make sure that you also remove their skins.

More tips with the blender and mixture

Vegetables and fruits should be cut into pieces that can easily fit your blender. If they get stuck under the blade while blending, use a spatula to remove the jammed ingredients before proceeding to blend. If your shake is blended evenly, add 2 ice cubes and keep adding them once in a while until it sounds smooth. However, if your blender cannot blend the ice cubes well, substitute them with cold water or cold fruit juice instead. Finally, if your shake is too thin, add more ice or fruit, and more liquid if it is too thick.

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and director of TheUltimateWeightLossSecret.Com [http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com] - check it out for all your weight loss information. Phil also provides honest advice about weight loss supplements like Proactol [http://theultimateweightlosssecret.com/weight-loss-supplements/metabolism-boosters/effective-weight-loss-from-proactol]

Legs R Us - Get Nice Legs Fast!

Legs R Us - get nice legs fast, is a cute way to say that you absolutely CAN have the thin thighs of your dreams if you learn a few of the secrets skinny Asian women have been using for years to get lean. These ancient methods are part of the reason how they're able to get their figure back so fast right after giving birth! Today we're going to take a look at how you can lose weight the Asian way and get nice legs fast.

Legs R Us - Get Nice Legs Fast!

\"My Weight Loss\"

One thing I don't want you to do under any circumstances are leg-based exercises that have you using your legs to move any weight or load.

Legs R Us - Get Nice Legs Fast!

Doing leg presses on a machine, or worse, doing squats like Men do where you're holding dumbbells and lowering yourself to the floor will NOT get you the legs you're after. Instead these exercises will actually stimulate and cause your thigh muscles and calves to grow, which is the opposite look versus what we're after.

You don't want to be a bodybuilder, you want "stick legs"!:)

Legs R Us - One Easy Method

Instead of lifting weights and doing endless lunges I have my weight loss clients all follow the Asian model for getting lean: Low resistance exercise at a longer duration.

Specifically I want you to choose your favorite relaxation activity, whether it's walking in the park, taking a bike ride on flat ground, dancing at a moderate pace, or even just walking. Whatever makes you happy as you do it.

This is important because if you really want to strip thigh fat and muscle to slim down your thighs you need to do this activity for at least 30 minutes every single day.

By going for that length of time your body has to use existing fat deposits for energy, and it will prioritize the deposits that are closest to whatever major muscle group is stimulated at that time.

In addition to your daily exercise, a well-rounded and complete program is necessary if you're going to get nice legs that will let you dust off that mini-skirt in the closet!

The Secret Way to True Weight Loss

Everyone I talk with these days is sick of the latest diet programs, where you're either STARVING or trying to live through BRUTAL workouts to drop weight.

Legs R Us - Get Nice Legs Fast!

Instead, let me teach you a simple method that will quickly drop 10 pounds off your belly and thighs in less than a month without any sweating. The technique is so easy that I actually recommend doing it while relaxing on the couch watching TV!

To read about this unknown secret that skinny Asian women have been using for years to get nice legs just click on the link to download my free eBook.

WARNING: I'm limiting this free eBook to the FIRST 150 PEOPLE ONLY. After that you will be available to purchase it exclusively at my online store for .95. Take advantage of this free pre-launch offer while there is still time by clicking on the link and downloading it now: http://www.skinnyasiandiet.com/free-book.htm

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

No-Equipment Cardio for Weight Loss

You don't need fancy machines to do cardio circuits for weight loss. You can do cardio without equipment, at home! And you'll burn fat. Here in Toronto, it rained non-stop on Sunday. So I skipped the walk to the gym (where I was going to do intervals), and did a bodyweight workout at home.

This is a great routine that you can save for any rainy day, or even better - challenge some of your buddies prior to next week's super bowl party at your house. The workout will take away some of the guilt while you pound nachos and wings, like I know some people tend to do when they watch football.

\"My Weight Loss\"

For my bodyweight workout, I decided to make one up from the exercises in the 6-month manual, rather than following one of the pre-made routines. Plus, I didn't want to do a lot of upper body stuff, because my Monday workout is heavy pressing and rowing. So I ended up creating a huge circuit, as there were just too many exercises in the manual that I wanted to do.

No-Equipment Cardio for Weight Loss

If you have the manual and exercise descriptions, you can do this workout the next time you feel like a change. If you don't have the manual, you'll probably have no idea what some of these exercises are...but at least now you know what you are missing.

And as I went through this workout, a workout I called "Ghetto Cardio", I got to thinking about some of the home gym setups that clients tell me they have.

You know, the more money people spend on exercise machines (like those elliptical machines), the easier and less effective their workouts become. Here I am doing the Ghetto Cardio workout, one that didn't cost me a cent, and some people have thousands of dollars worth of cardio equipment in their basements that won't give them the same "functional strength and endurance" results as bodyweight training.

And those aren't the only benefits you can get from a mid-day bodyweight circuit workout. In fact, during this workout, I relieved my computer-related upper body stress and tension, and the exercise stimulated my thought process, allowing me to plan 4 workouts for Monday's clients, and 4 newsletters this week. All in 20 minutes.

So here's the workout, and I did this circuit twice, and then some of the exercises I did a third time:

Prisoner Squat x 15

Sumo squat x 15

T-Squat x 20

Siff Squat x 20

Walking lunge x 20

Spiderman pushup x 16

Stickup x 12

Cross Crawl x 30

Inverted Rows x 12

Spiderman climbs x 24

Plank x 60 seconds

Side plank x 30 seconds

Y-squat x 20

Close grip Pushups x 20

These are all bodyweight exercises that can be done at home. You don't need to spend money or time going to the gym.

No-Equipment Cardio for Weight Loss

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Can't Lose Weight No Matter What I Do

Most doctors often get complaints like, "I can't lose weight no matter what I do". For lots of individuals, weight loss can be an exasperating task. Even though they exert so much effort, still nothing changes. So, what could be happening? Knowing the reasons why I can't lose weight no matter what I do is just a portion of the solution.

Here are the common reasons that can give answers to your concerns- I can't lose weight no matter what I do. (a) Majority of social gatherings will incorporate foods. (b) Fast foods have increased its number. (c) Compare in the past, we are likely to be less active today. (d) Being hungry is intolerable. (e) We are not aware how to maintain weight. (e)We consume extra foods and we forget about them. A lot of people believe that losing weight is like clearing out a bucket with a scoop. A ladle out of the container today and the other days to come will surely empty one's bucket.

\"My Weight Loss\"

However, this is not the same in our body. As we lessen the food that we eat, our body tries to take up and save much calorie the next time we consume food more than the needs of your body. Thus, though we are reducing in general, still we cannot able to lose weight particularly if we obtain extra calories. And with that no matter what I do is again applicable. The simple weight loss rule is that you should constantly burn up much calorie than you consume. Any kind of diet for losing weight can work, provided that your calorie consumption is constantly lessened every single day. A well balance diet that includes small portions of fruits, grains, vegetables, fish or lean meat is actually the most healthful. If you are able to accomplish a well-balanced diet, then the concern about I can't lose weight no matter what I do, can be evaded.

Can't Lose Weight No Matter What I Do

Also, keep in mind, there is nothing wrong about being hungry when trying to lose weight. The moment your aim is attained, each day will be good for maintaining. If you return to your usual practice of eating a lot and no exercise, then your concern, I can't lose weight no matter what I do is not surprising at all.

Can't Lose Weight No Matter What I Do

Click Here to receive more information on Losing Weight to Get Healthy.

You check out my Weight Loss Review Site at http://www.howtobeskinnynow.com, where I review Weight Loss Products.

Weight Loss Food For Women - Foods That Help Women Lose Weight

There are foods that help women loss weight fast and healthily. If you can follow the recommended weight loss food for women, you will lose weight completely and at the same time feel healthier, happier and livelier without dangerous diet pills.

Foods that help women lose weight are genuinely health-giving, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, brown rice, oats, herbal teas, carob, pulses, unsalted nuts, jacket potatoes, tofu, salad, olive oil and low-fat live yogurt.

\"My Weight Loss\"

Weight loss food for women forbids women from eating the following, wheat, diary products, eggs, food with added sugar, chocolate, rice pudding, processed foods, salted nuts, marmalade, jam, pasta, cakes, biscuits, ice cream, crisps and ready-meals. Coffee, tea, cocoa, alcohol, fizzy drinks and packet soups are also out.

Weight Loss Food For Women - Foods That Help Women Lose Weight

The best foods that help women lose weight are strictly vegetarian foods, where no animal products, including dairy produce, are eaten. Vegetarian foods are easier to digest.

The one golden rule is: no high-fat dairy products. This means no eggs, double cream, full-cream milk, butter or full-fat cheese.

This is because dairy products are mucus-forming which means they encourage cells and arteries to become clogged. Only low-fat yogurt and quark are allowed, and even these should only be eaten occasionally. Dairy foods also tend to contain added hormones and chemicals, which encourage the build up of fats. Instead, you should buy plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, preferably organically grown.

Buy soya or oat flour instead of wheat flour and try carob powder instead of chocolate. You should always have seeds and unsalted nuts at home. These are healthy choices of weight loss food for women that you must always make when buying food items.

Buy brown rice, buckwheat spaghetti and stock up on dried lentils and other pulses. Keep a variety of seasonings, herbs and spices, including sea salt and whole peppercorns, vegetable stock cubes, fresh ginger root, garlic and onion powder. All the curry spices - turmeric, cumin, garam masala, coriander, fenugreek and cardamom -are useful as well.

Whenever possible, buy fresh herbs, but dried herbs are better than nothing.

All flavorings, for example vanilla essence, should be the real thing and not artificially made substitutes.

You should start with a thorough cleansing of your system. You must stick to raw fruit and vegetables for up to 10 days and drink 8 glasses of water a day before embarking on the weight loss diet for women.

For healthy weight loss, you should not drink any alcohol for the first 2 weeks. After that, a glass of wine a day is fine, but avoid spirits. Smoking is one of the worst thing you must avoid so cut it out if you can and avoid coffee which kill off valuable nutrients.

Drink herbal teas like Oolong tea and green tea instead, or for breakfast, a glass of hot water with a squeeze of lemon is ideal.

You have the power to follow the recommended weight loss food for women. These are foods that help women lose weight with the additional benefits of making your skin healthier and you look livelier, more beautiful and disease-free.

Weight Loss Food For Women - Foods That Help Women Lose Weight

Do not go for weight loss diet pills. They are not good for your health. Learn to lose weight naturally with natural and health-giving foods. You can get additional help from our professionally selected diet and weight loss programs that is ideally suitable for every one. Click here now to look stunning within 2 weeks and surprise your loved ones with a gift of the new you.

Benefits of Eating Spinach Everyday

Not many of us like the idea of eating spinach daily. But the fact is that this green leafy vegetable is a powerhouse of nutrients with very few calories. A cup full of this vegetable fulfills most of your daily nutrient needs and still has only forty calories to boot. So why wouldnt you eat it? Some people do not like the taste of it but I have a cure for you. I mix 3 handfuls in with my fruit smoothie every morning and you can't even taste it. I bet your kids wouldn't even know they were eating it.

Eating Spinach daily has many health advantages and is a strong building block to a healthy body. It has a high fiber content and a cup full of spinach has enough vitamin A and K for your daily requirements and enough foliate and manganese to last you the whole day and if this is not enough, consider its calcium and protein content too. The high content of vitamin A is great for your eyesight and it strengthens the eye muscles as well.

\"My Weight Loss\"

Spinach has proven anti-aging properties as well as anti-carcinogenic properties due to the high concentration of flavonoid compounds. The anti ageing properties of eating spinach have been proven time and again. Researchers have confirmed that the vital compounds present in spinach are great to keep your brain young and active.

Benefits of Eating Spinach Everyday

It is a great vegetable for those with high blood pressure as it helps to keep the pressure low. It works wonders for the heart as it has compounds, which prevent the hardening and thickening of arteries. A person who consumes spinach daily is protecting the body against the onslaught of diseases like colon cancer, osteoporosis, and arthritis. Also it is very useful to keep blood sugar levels stable in Diabetics.

It is great food for growing kids and also menstruating women due to its high iron and mineral content. Daily consumption of this nutritious leafy vegetable is a great healthy habit and is very beneficial to maintain good health. But please be sure to eat organic pesticide free spinach. Organic spinach has more nutritional value than non organic plus it is better for the environment.

You can use spinach in salads, toss with any type of nuts and pressed garlic to make it tastier. A little pressed garlic stirred into olive oil can also be tried. Spinach can be tossed into pasta dishes without even cooking it to give your dinner that extra nutrition that you and your family needs.

All in all Popeye really did know what he was doing! He was able to build strong lean muscles by eating a diet consisting of mainly spinach! Argh! Eat your spinach!

Benefits of Eating Spinach Everyday

B.S. in Physical Anthropology, minor business and a Culinary Arts degree. Huge advocate for eating an organic vegetarian, vegan, and raw food diet. I have been a vegetarian/vegan/raw foodist for over 20 years and I wanted to help others with a website that showed easy raw/vegan food recipes. http://www.recipes4rawfood.com Additional website for raw food http://rawfoodfortoday.com

Weight Loss After Baby - How to Get Rid of Your Cesarean Belly

Weight loss after a baby takes time, but it is not impossible. Be patient. It can take up to 6 months after pregnancy for your body to return to normal. So, even if you are not breast-feeding, don't be in too much of a hurry to cut calories. Concentrate on eating healthy foods and including physical activity in your daily routine.

Most women lose more than 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) during childbirth, including the weight of the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid. During the first week after delivery, you'll lose additional weight as you shed retained fluids. But the fat stored during pregnancy won't disappear on its own.

\"My Weight Loss\"

1. Eat healthy Food

Weight Loss After Baby - How to Get Rid of Your Cesarean Belly

After pregnancy, proper nutrition is still important - especially if you're breast-feeding. Making wise choices can promote healthy weight loss after baby.

Focus on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Foods high in fiber - such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains - provide you with many important nutrients while helping you feel full longer. Other nutrient-rich choices include low-fat dairy products, such as skim milk, yogurt and low-fat cheeses. Skinless poultry, most fish, beans, and lean cuts of beef and pork are good sources of protein, as well as zinc, iron and B vitamins.

2. Physical activity

Exercising too soon and too vigorously after giving birth can be damaging to health. Especially after Cesarean section ask your doctor first. Generally it is recommended to start 8 weeks after birth.

Exercising does not necessarily mean going to the gym for hours on end. Especially as a new mom, you won't have as much time to exercise as you once did, but you can get a great work out by simply go for a nice long walk with your new baby, or by running up and down the stairs a few times.

I know how you feel - tired, frustrated, stress. Physical activity will help you not only to get in shape after pregnancy but believe me, you will feel better, relaxed and fit. The most important is to find motivation, good reason and do not looking for excuses.

Weight Loss After Baby - How to Get Rid of Your Cesarean Belly

It is important to choose exercises that you enjoy and that you can incorporate into your everyday life.

Here is a program that will Help You Lose Your Cesarean Belly - Weight Loss After Baby [http://my-weight-loss-review.net/lose-weight-after-pregnancy.php?cb=karelmicek]

Do you miss motivation for the weight loss after baby?

It is common. Here is the help for you. Choose the sensible, easy to follow, weight loss program HERE: Weight Loss After Baby [http://my-weight-loss-review.net/lose-weight-after-pregnancy.php?cb=karelmicek]

Lose 30 Pounds in 21 Days - The Most Effective Diet System to Lose 30 Pounds Safely and Quickly!

Is it possible to lose 30 pounds in 21 days? Well, take just 90 seconds out of your day to read this article and learn about the most effective diet to actually lose 30 pounds in 21 days... safely, and also actually keep the weight off!

You see, the secret to being able to lose weight and burn off fat fast is through your metabolism. The more better your metabolism is running, the more fat and weight you'll lose...it's as simple as that. There is a new dieting system called calorie shifting that will teach you how to boost your metabolism through the foods that you eat.

\"My Weight Loss\"

The calorie shifting diet system is incredibly effective because of the fact that you will firstly be able to get the amount of calories you are supposed to get daily, and then you will be shown how to take those calories that you take in and shift them on a daily basis so that you will be able to increase your metabolic rate. This is a very unique system that has been proven to work for hundreds of thousands of people.

Lose 30 Pounds in 21 Days - The Most Effective Diet System to Lose 30 Pounds Safely and Quickly!

I myself have used this program when I first started on my weight loss and fat loss quest. You know what, when I first started I weighed a little over 300 pounds and had a robust 44 inch waist. After a short time on this diet plan, I ended up losing around 55 pounds and 4 inches off my waist! Do you want to hear something amazing? I was only TRYING out this program...imagine if I was going full speed ahead!

Listen, if you're ready to lose 30 pounds in 21 days or whatever else your goals may be, then I highly recommend for you to look into a try at the calorie shifting diet plan.

Lose 30 Pounds in 21 Days - The Most Effective Diet System to Lose 30 Pounds Safely and Quickly!

Lose 30 Pounds and melt fat off your body in THREE WEEKS by using the calorie shifting diet plan!

Click http://www.fatlossin11days.info to learn more and get started today!

Dark Chocolate Helps In Weight Loss

The truth is nine out of ten people love chocolate and 50% say they can't live without it. Recent studies shown that some chocolates can actually have positive health effects. But these aren't the name-brand chocolate bars you would find at your local grocery store.

An internationally recognized expert in the field of alternative medicine focusing on diet and nutrition, Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, has studied the properties and benefits of dark chocolate and feels the proper dark chocolate should be a part of our daily diet.

\"My Weight Loss\"

"Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree, Theobroma Cacao," says Scott-Mumby. He explains that plant flavanoids are commonly known for their antioxidant activity. "A small bar of chocolate can contain as many flavanoids as six apples, as four and a half cups of tea or two glasses of red wine." Dark chocolate also can be an effective apatite suppressant and aid in weight loss.

Dark Chocolate Helps In Weight Loss

Properly processed dark actually provides great benefits without the unhealthy ingredients that are often included in the common chocolate bar. Good dark chocolate can help you lose weight; help thin you blood, improve your mood and can actually address ant-aging and has a number of other significant health benefits.

I one case dark chocolate lover Charlotte Palmer started dieting with her husband. She decided that The Doctor's Chocolate was going to be a treat that she could eat that would help her suppress her appetite. After four months she lost 50 pounds and is continuing to follow her diet. "Eating The Doctor's Chocolate has helped me along because it has kept me from eating other junk food, it has helped suppress my appetite, and it has helped me to remain calm and not so stressed when you're missing out on all the other treats," comments Palmer.

The Doctor's Chocolate a healthy chocolate product new to the market is a mere 20 calories per piece, it is diabetic safe and because it is not weighed down with all the sugars and milk that processed chocolate is famous for, it actually is metabolized slowly and leaves you feeling satisfied after only a couple of pieces.

Instead of sugar this chocolate is sweetened by a sugar alcohol called Xylotol, recognized by the FDA as a safe non-sugar sweetener and has no trans fat. Be careful of products containing synthetic or chemical sweeteners such as sucralose or aspartame. When choosing your chocolate treat make it dark Chocolate with only natural products, without additives, preservatives or coloring.

Enjoy your healthy dark chocolate and eat all you want; now you know dark chocolate can be good for you!

Dark Chocolate Helps In Weight Loss

Jan Hrkach is an advocate of health, you are what you eat. Exercise and eating right make a big difference in our daily lives and creates a better you. http://www.thedoctorschocolate.com/

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - 8 Proven Tips That Helped Me to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week

I desperately needed to lose weight for my wedding. I have lost 13 pounds on the first week, and 10 pounds on the second. This is quite a short time for losing weight, and not very healthy, I know. However, this quick weight loss success was a kick-start for my weight loss journey, and it motivated me to keep losing weight, following natural and healthy methods later. I am going to share every single step I followed on the second week, that helped me to lose 10 pounds in 7 days.

Please keep in mind that extremely fast weight loss is never healthy.

\"My Weight Loss\"

Here are the steps I followed after the first 7 days, to lose 10 pounds in a week:

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - 8 Proven Tips That Helped Me to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week

1) First, I had a day of detox - to cleanse my body and lose weight even faster. I prepared a drink of lemon juice, ginger and honey mixed with water, and drank this detox drink during the day. Whenever hungry, I just drank it. I felt good, as I normally do, no cramps, no lack of energy, nothing. This was not hard at all, and I am sure it boosted my weight loss results. I know some people do the whole week of detox, but this is not for me.

2) I limited the amounts of foods, because I really needed to lose weight so fast. I had plenty of vegetables, lean meat, fish, eggs, and some fruits (mostly apples and oranges). My new rule of eating was this: half of the plate should be veggies (just tried to avoid too much potato), ¼ of the plate - white meat or fish, and the rest can be fruit (no bananas because they are too sweet and starchy). I know that eating less is not always an option for a long lasting weight loss. But it surely is an option for fast weight loss, and that`s what my goal was. An easier way to reduce the amount of food is to get a smaller plate. However, eating less was pretty hard, I admit. But I reached my goal, and I am so happy now.

3) I added 2 apples an one can of black beans to my daily diet. I had the beans as my main meal, or split them into 2 smaller meals and had with veggies on the side. This is a trick that no diets tell. And it works wonders, because 35 grams of fiber in a daily diet truly supercharges weight loss. These fibers clean the digestive tract and improve digestion.

4) I started to eat breakfast and stopped eating at night. 7 PM was the latest time of the day when I had my dinner. Breakfast boosted my metabolism and helped me to burn calories faster, although I never believed it could be so important for weight loss. It kept me energized as well. I got at least 10 glasses of water during the day, and I still do - water cleanses the body, increases metabolic rate, and does not let you feel hungry.

5) I distributed my usual calorie intake during the day. I started to eat 5 times a day, having smaller meals. This way I never had to go hungry.

6) I limited fat, sweet and not so healthy food, and whenever I felt like I need to eat something unhealthy, I moved those meals to the first part of the day. Because metabolism is higher in the morning compared to the evening, and this let me eat a donut or ice cream once every few days.

7) Instead of drinking juice, I had a fresh fruit every time. Juice is too sweet for weight loss, if you`re thirsty, get some water or unsweetened green tea.

8) I kept myself motivated and busy all the time. I know that when you`re busy, you have no time to go to the kitchen. This works wonders.

This plan might sound too simple to lose 10 pounds in a week - but follow this plan religiously, and you will see real results.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - 8 Proven Tips That Helped Me to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week

If you would like to know how I lost even more weight on the first week, make sure you grab the Free weight loss guide packed with many incredible proven tips, at the lose 10 pounds in a week website! You would actually have to TRY to mess it up and not to lose weight by following those steps!

Weight Loss With the Nigerian Diet

You might have noticed that here in Nigeria it is quite difficult to get the right type of food to incorporate in our diets since our foods are not really found on the web. Which foods to eat to help us lose weight and burn fat, and which foods to avoid. Generally we would try to avoid food that are rich in simple carbohydrates, and embrace those rich in protein.

However, below is a list of various kinds of foods to decrease your intake of when trying to lose weight using the Nigerian diet. Note that I did not say you should completely stop taking them, but try to reduce them to the smallest amount possible! The nigerian Diet consists of various kinds of food, but majority of our foods, especially for the yorubas, are oily, and starchy!

\"My Weight Loss\"

Foods to decrease intake of in the Nigerian diet include:

Weight Loss With the Nigerian Diet

1. Pounded yam: popularly called iyan, contains a lot of starch. Try to reduce intake of this.

2. Amala: made from the back of the yams so is pretty much starch too.

3. Garri: simply just cassava flour! Its known to be one of the promoters of big flabby tummy

4. Tuwo shinkafa: pounded rice so more or less contains as much carbs as white rice.

5. Soups: I suggest you avoid Nigerian soups when you are trying to lose weight because most of them contain so much oils. However some soups like okro soup, if cooked without oils can be very very good to incorporate into your weight loss program using the Nigerian diet.

6. Ofada rice, white rice

7. Akpu, also another cassava product, which is high in simple carbs and intake of it should be reduced. Akpu is also known to promote bulging tummies!

Please note that you should not totally eliminate the above carbohydrate foods from your diet, but try to limit intake of them to as little as possible.

Foods to increase intake of in our diet include:

1. As always, Beans. This contains high amount of protein, and are good building blocks for muscle. They are also one of the fat burning foods

2. Fish: Fish is very high in protein content

3. Fruits: Water melons, apples, oranges, bananas, etc

4. vegetables: with very little oil in it. vegetables are high in fiber content.

5. chicken and turkey: try peeling off the skin before taking these!

6. ukpa (of ibo origin) also high in protein content.

7: bean cake: moi-moi.

So now we can see that despite the fact that our foods are not really listed and classified popularly, there are various foods we can eat to loose weight!

When I started my weight loss program it was a hard task. Avoiding rice and eba was a very big deal for me, but I knew I had to do something about the tummy. so I stuck to eggs for breakfast, beans for lunch, vegetables for dinner, and fruits in between. those weeks seemed like the hardest in my life, but within a short period, I began to see results!

Weight Loss With the Nigerian Diet

Click here to know more about weight loss and Nigerian diets.

Weight loss is never as difficult as it seems. Its just about knowing what and what to do!

Lipotropic Injections - How Effective are Lipotropics Shots For Weight Loss - My Story

First, what exactly are lipotropics?

They are substances that help dissolve or break down fat so that it can removed from your body through your waste.

\"My Weight Loss\"

How do lipotropic injections help you get rid of fat?

Lipotropic Injections - How Effective are Lipotropics Shots For Weight Loss - My Story

They stimulate the creation of lecithin in your liver. This helps to make the cholesterol in your body more liquid and this decreases cholesterol in your blood.

They thwart the buildup of fats in your liver. If your liver is fatty then your liver function will be slow moving and so will your metabolism.

They boost your immunity to illness through causing the production of antibodies that eat up viruses and infections.

Individual lipotropics such as choline, inositol and methionine help metabolize your fat, reduce liver fat and help protect your kidneys.

But let's get to the important question you might be wondering about..

Do lipotropics injections effectively help you lose weight?

I did an experiment because I wanted to boost my metabolism and lose some stubborn pounds.

I had read numerous positive testimonials from successful dieters who had used lipotropics to gain an edge in losing weight.

So I got started with the injections.

I followed a healthy diet where I simply restricted my calories - nothing fancy. I eat whatever I want as long as I stay within my caloric allotment for the day. I try to eat healthy food every day...but I don't always succeed. Overall I stick with my food plan and jot down everything I eat every day.

So after getting the shots for 6 weeks and following a healthy diet I lost quite a bit of weight.

We are talking a loss of over 15 pounds!

And these were those nagging pounds I could not get rid of before - you know, those last pounds that hang on like crazy glue to your body and don't want to let go.

Let me just say that I have dieted in the past and the difference with getting these injections was huge!

1 - I have more energy after I get a B12 and lipotropic injection.

I love the extra energy I get. It improves my mood and gives me the extra oomph I need to get my exercise workouts in several times a week.

2- I am seeing greater weight loss on the scale.

The steady weight loss encourages me to continue my healthy diet and stick with this plan. It is a huge boost of motivation having the extra help from the lipotropics in my weight loss battle.

Lipotropic Injections - How Effective are Lipotropics Shots For Weight Loss - My Story

Click below to read about a lady who really lost some weight with lipotropic injections. Her story is great!


Lipotropic injections

How effective lipotropic injections

The Chickpea Diet - Stay Healthy Eating Chickpeas Daily

The chickpea (aka garbanzo bean, Indian pea, ceci bean, bengal gram, Kabuli chana, kadale kaalu, sanaga pappu, shimbra, Kadala) is the secret for a sexy looking body. Isn't that awesome. Whho knew that the plain chickpea could be so useful in weight loss.

Just one cup of chickpeas give you 50% of all your daily needed dietary fibers. That is what the specialists say. Dietary fibers are fabulous at preventing your blood sugar to increase after eating a meal. Because of the fibers the sugar form the foods gets assimilated and burned more slowly by your body. This will give you energy for a longer time and you won't feel the need to eat something soon.

\"My Weight Loss\"

Diabetics should start eating chickpeas more often because it helps them maintain their blood sugar at a good level for longer periods of time. Chickpeas are also full of minerals that help your body eliminate the food additives form the food. So it is pretty good at detoxing your body also.

The Chickpea Diet - Stay Healthy Eating Chickpeas Daily

By eating chickpea you help you intestines increase their volume, preventing that way constipation and other health problems related to your intestines. For example all those dietary fibers contained in chickpeas help you prevent colon cancer.

By just eating one cup of chickpeas per day your body will receive lots of healthy nutrients that will improve your health: dietary fibers, proteins, iron, magnesium, phosphor, copper. If you are curious of the caloric value of chickpeas you should know that one cup of chickpeas has 269 calories. A reasonable amount I might say.

In Asia chickpea is cooked as falafel or hummus besides other cooking recipes. You should give them a try because they are delicious.

The Chickpea Diet - Stay Healthy Eating Chickpeas Daily

Find out how to lose 20 pounds at least and detox your body at the same time. No-nonsense advice about rapid weight loss is available for you at ShedYourWeight.com. There you can also read my weight loss success story. I have been fat and I know how hard it is to navigate the turbulent waters of weight loss information and actually doing something with all the information overload. That is why I have started ShedYourWeight.com to make sure people who want to lose weight can find good and useful information to help them achieve their goal. Shed your weight now and start living a healthier life.

Foods That Burn Belly Fat - Foods That Work

How Do Fat Burning Foods Work?

If you have a bit of loose belly fat, or extra weight anywhere that just won't shift, I am sure that you would have been tempted to try some sort of fat burning product whether it be detox, pills or some super shake. Well the best news for you is that you don't have to spend money on snake oil and you can improve your overall health by ensuring you add some readily available healthy foods to your current diet.

\"My Weight Loss\"

If you eat these fat burning foods in conjunction with regular exercise, they will help boost your metabolism and burn more calories (fat) at a faster rate. They help to encourage a change in your metabolism by decreasing the amount of carbohydrates used for energy and increasing the amount of fat used for energy instead. As with all foods, the secret is to eat them in moderation and include them in a balanced daily diet; eat them in their purist form to get maximum benefit.

Foods That Burn Belly Fat - Foods That Work

What Are Some Fat Burning Foods?

Eggs - start your day with a protein kick which your body will have to work to digest, giving your metabolism a boot.
Tea - have a cup of tea with that, green tea and oolong tea have been shown to have fat burning properties.
Dairy - calcium rich dairy foods like skim milk or raw milk, cottage cheese, yogurt are said to help burn instead of storing fat.
Fruit - fruits high in vitamin C is said to dilute fat cells making it easier for the fat to be released from the body.
Peppers - chili, jalapeno, cayenne and other chili peppers contain capsaicin that boosts metabolism by speeding up your heart rate.
Nuts - seeds, almonds and other nuts contain natural oils and vitamins that help metabolize food into energy.

Are There More Foods That Burn Fat?

You bet there are, in fact there are many sites and books that list them, I just wanted to demonstrate that they do exist and work for various reasons. They only work if you actually ensure you have a heatlhy nutritious diet over all and an active lifestyle or workout program as they boost your metabolism and help burn fat; this will not happen if you are a couch potato. Do some research, you will find plenty of foods that burn belly fat to help you get rid of that loose belly fat. I personally found Mike Geary's Truth About Six Pack Abs to be a great resource to find out more about this and other healthy food choices.

Foods That Burn Belly Fat - Foods That Work

Jill A White

Healthy Happy Mum

My goal is to share the information that has helped me achieve my weight loss goals sensibly and safely.

TruthAboutAbsCenter.com [http://www.truthaboutabscenter.com/]

Hate your love handles? We've found the solution.

Abdomen Exercises - The 10 Different Types

There are ten types of abdomen exercises that can aid in getting a flatter and more toned stomach. When performed correctly and combined with proper nutrition the following exercises can aid in the efforts to have the abdomen that you desire.

The first of the exercises for the abdomen is for the oblique muscles. The use of movements that do not restrict the body and do not use weight such as side bends and twists or hanging from a bar are all good for the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

\"My Weight Loss\"

The second abdominal exercises are the serratus exercises. These exercises are done in the form of a standing crunch which brings one shoulder and elbow in and down to the side of the upper torso.

Abdomen Exercises - The 10 Different Types

The third of the abdomen exercises is known as the roman chair. You simple lower your body to an angle of seventy degrees. Then raise the body up and curl the torso forward until you crunch into a full contraction of the abdominal muscles.

Crunches are also good for exercising the abdomen. The traditional crunches involve lying on your back with the legs over a bench in front of you. The hands can be either in front of you or behind you to do this exercise. Then curl the truck to the knees and round your back until it is off of the floor. There are also five variations of the crunch that can be utilized with abdomen exercises.

The fifth of the abdomen exercises is the twisting crunch which is a variation on the last exercise. The hands are placed behind the neck, and the truck is curled as you twist the torso to bring the opposite elbow in line with the opposite knee.

The sixth exercise is also a variation of the crunch known as the reverse crunch which is good for working out the abdominal muscles. Begin this exercise by lying on a bench with your arms extended behind you as if reaching for something. Then bring the knees up and as far in as possible while keeping the pelvis flat against the bench.

The seventh abdomen exercise is yet another variation on the traditional crunch. It is the hanging crunch in which you hang from a bar and keep the knees even with the abdomen, then raise them toward the head as far as you can get them.

The eighth exercise for the abdomen is the vertical bench crunch. Use the elbows to support yourself while bringing the knees level to the abdomen and then lifting up towards the head as far as they will go.

The ninth abdomen exercise is the cable crunch in which a rope is attached to a pulley over head. Grab the rope with both hands from a kneeling position, then curl and bend downward while rounding the back to put the head toward the knees.

The tenth exercise for the abdominal muscles are the seated leg tucks. This exercise requires sitting on a bench cross legged while holding onto the sides to support you. Pull the knees toward your chest by raising the legs.

The standing twist is the eleventh abdominal exercise. In this exercise a twenty pound plate is held out before you and you twist to one side as far as you can go and then back to the middle.

The machine crunch is the last of the abdomen exercises which utilizes a machine. You can only get the effects from the abdomen exercises that you put into the exercises themselves.

Abdomen Exercises - The 10 Different Types

Are you confused by the 10 exercises? I believe that you may need a good guide to help you out. You can visit our website at: [http://www.workoutloseweight.com] for more information on my weight loss program reviews [http://www.workoutloseweight.com]